
Welcome To The Faithful 40 Challenge

Starts FREE Feb. 1st 2024

(Takes 3 Minutes To Get Registered)

Scroll Down for FAQ

4 Phases of the Faithful40 Challenge - Integrity, Grit, Growth, and Awe!

Faithful40 Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Faithful40 Challenge?

The Faithful40 is unlike any fitness or nutrition challenge you’ve ever participated in. You set your personal goals – we stay accountable together.

Every day, starting February 1st, you will be notified on a post in the Better Daily App encouraging you to post your progress! Some commit to posting about a specific focus – like steps, fasting window, protein intake, or even a bible verse – others commit to the Better Daily Default: Today’s mindset. Today’s exercise plan. Yesterday’s food journal.

How much does it cost?

The Faithful40 Challenge is FREE. Free access to the app and challenge requires the creation of a profile and username. Members can choose to upgrade to a premium membership at $24.99/mo. to access premium resources (meal planning resources, workouts, select seminar replays and MORE) to aid in challenge endeavors, but PAID MEMBERSHIP IS NOT NECESSARY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CHALLENGE! Challengers can use coupon code “UPGRADE30” at checkout to get up to 40% off their Better Daily Premium Upgrade HERE!

What is “Better Daily”?

Better Daily is the BEST way to upgrade your screen time for your personal health and fitness!

Coach Alex developed this subscription-based app and community – available on iOS and Android devices – where individuals who are committed to becoming 1% daily connect with each other and powerful nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle resources for manifesting their best.

In better daily, you’re never more than a post away from encouragement and expert advice as well as exclusive health and fitness content, workshops, seminars, and a library of resources to make the cutting-edge science of health and fitness practical to your personal journey!

Who Is Alex VanHouten?

Alex VanHouten is the owner and founder of The Betterment Company and the host of The Better Daily Shortcast. He has been working to help individuals achieve personal betterment for over 17 years as a personal trainer, nutritionist, and health coach.

Alex launched the Betterment Company in 2020 after his first coaching company and podcast – Defining Dad Bod – became successful with way more than just Dads! The company’s flagship App “Better Daily” uses an ad-free virtual community platform to encourage better bodies, minds, and spirits, through direct, on-demand engagement with professional and peer-to-peer support. This scientifically-backed, wholistic approach to a Better version of YOU is based on long-term, sustainable progress. Nobody’s perfect and we can all do Better. Let’s get BETTER TOGETHER!

Alex VanHouten lives in Greenbrier, Arkansas with his wife Christin and his two sons Gabriel and Bennett where he is working hard to build a legacy of health and fitness for his family despite the challenges of Ehlers Danlos and the industry-wide confusion of what it means to be “healthy”.

Why 40 Days?

40 Days is significant for a number of reasons. It’s well-studied as a time frame for creating sustainable habit change. It’s not too long to be too hard and not too short to be insignificant. In the Christian and Hebrew tradition 40 is the number of endurance and trial. It’s the length of time prophets (including Jesus) fasted, rain fell on Noah’s Ark, and Goliath taunted the armies of Israel.

It’s also the length of time we commonly find is both challenging and rewarding for the goals of our newest clients.

Like baby bear’s porridge – it’s JUST RIGHT!

What is a commitment post?

During the Faithful40 challenge, participants will make a daily Commitment Post in the Faithful40 thread of the Better Daily community. This daily connection with accountability, encouragement, support, and coaching is what makes the Faithful40 challenge work powerfully for your betterment! Get inspired by others’ posts, give virtual high fives, and receive feedback throughout the challenge. For an extra boost, you can tag your team leader, your teammates and anyone else in the Better Daily community!

What is “mindset”?

“Mindset” is the attitude we bring to every day. It’s the lens through which we view the events that unfold in our waking hours.

In order to experience the best and pursue better, the clearer our mindset lens, the better.

For Beginners: This is a very subjective portion of the challenge but many participants find it to be the most valuable part. What verse, quote, story, song, phrase, emoji, or word best articulates the mindset you are approaching your day with today? Give it some thought and respond honestly!

For Advanced: Take a minute or two each day to encourage/support others by responding to their mindsets! Virtual high fives are free to give and go a long way!

What is “exercise plan”?

“Exercise” is the intentional execution of movement and activity that requires our bodies and minds to work hard.

In order to experience the best and pursue better, we have to apply stressors to our system that bring out the best in us.

For Beginners: Your exercise plan is what exercise you plan to accomplish today. Whether its something as short and simple as “go for a run” or as specific as “Leg Day – 10 sets of squats @ 70% MAX” is up to you!

For Advanced: Include a pic or video that represents your exercise practice well! You never know who will be motivated by seeing what you’re working on!

What is a “food journal”?

“Food journaling” is the act of shining a light on what we’re feeding our bodies.

In order to experience the best and pursue better, it’s necessary to be intentional about the materials we are asking our body to build itself out of — and our mind to fuel itself with.

For Beginners: A food journal is a record of yesterday’s food intake. It can be as simple as a textual run-down of your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks – OR – you can get as detailed as recording your food in an application like “My Fitness Pal” and posting your food summaries and macros daily.

For Advanced: Be vocal about your wins and opportunities. Everyone benefits from your progress if you’re willing to share!

How do I “WIN”?

The real WINS accumulate in your body, mind, and spirit through the 40 days of participating in the challenge!

Maybe you’ll lose some fat! Maybe you’ll feel more energetic! Maybe you’ll make some new friends! Maybe you’ll learn something new about yourself!

Respond faithfully to the daily post – and if you have some more in the tank – encourage others in their responses. You’ll be amazed at what can change in 40 days!

At the end of the challenge participants who kept their commitment to posted daily and to encourage others will be interviewed to share their transformations!

Also, a friendly competition between Faithful40 Teams will consistent of points accumulated through engagement with the community throughout the challenge. Every like, comment, post, and community contribution will add points to your team’s tally and the team with the most points at the end of the challenge will win some exclusive Better Daily Swag!

Why do you need my phone number?

Phone numbers are our fallback contact to help you stay engaged with your challenge. If your Team Leader does not see a commitment post from you after 48 hours and you are unresponsive in the Better Daily app, they will contact you via text to check on you. Better Daily will not use your contact information for any other purpose than accountability and support during the challenge!

What do “Team Leaders” do?

Team Leaders are veterans of the Faithful40 challenge who are committed to encouraging and supporting others in their Betterment journey! They will tag their team members (3-8 people) in their commitment post every day to keep their teams accountable to their progress. Being a team leader is both awesome for team members AND motivating for team leaders as leading by example often brings out our BEST!

Can I Use The Shred Protocol For The Faithful40 Challenge??

If you are a Premium member who’s main health and fitness goal is fat loss, the #Shred protocol (Click Here To Check It Out) pairs very well with the Faithful40 Challenge. This extra layer of direction and support is one of the things that makes our Premium membership AWESOME! Make sure to notify Coach Alex so he can set you up!

Ok – I’ve Signed Up, Now What??

Great question! We’re glad to have you!

You’ll receive an email from Coach Alex soon with confirmation of your registration and next steps! In the meantime, you can start getting in the habit of journaling your food, planning your workouts, and looking for some MINDSET INSPIRATION.

Post your excitement and intention in the CHALLENGE Group to get some high fives and make some new acquaintances!

Consider inviting a few friends or family members to join you in your challenge — the more we can all improve, THE BETTER!

What if I have other questions?

Did we miss anything? We’d love to help! Email your additional questions to and you’ll get an answer soon.

Better Daily resources are intended as general health and fitness guidance and
NOT to treat or diagnose medical diseases. Please consult your doctor for
appropriate care for your medical needs.